Lidl Netherlands
Lidl supermarkets CSR report 2013-2014, by Schuttelaar & Partners

National Geographic Young Explorer
Educational magazine for American classrooms, by National Geographic Society

Noordzeeboerderij Q2
Quarterly update of the Northsea Farm (Noordzeeboerderij).
Created by Schuttelaar & Partners.

KNVB jaarverslag
Yearly Report 2015 - By Schuttelaar & Partners

Vitaal Kwartaal maart 2017
Vitaal Kwartaal business insurance magazine.
Created by Schuttelaar & Partners

Gezonder Mag.
Consumer magazine about healthy food from Het Vinkje, original design by PuurPublishers

KNVB Jaarverslag 2014
Yearly Report 2014 - By Schuttelaar & Partners

Jouw Later: Denken en doen
JouwLater by Nationale-Nederlanden, digital magazine about retirement planning for women. Designed by HaagsBlauw.

Professionele ​Masters
Magazine about professional master education from Vereniging Hogescholen, created by WIM ontwerpers.

Quarterly update of the Northsea farm (Noordzeeboerderij).
Created by Schuttelaar & Partners.

NWO-ICT Jaaroverzicht 2015
Year-in-review from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research - IT, made by WIM ontwerpers.
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